

Compliance and money laundering control auditor

Short training and updating courses for all officials in the areas of compliance and control of money laundering with their respective certification, are courses of 16, 24, 40 hours and which are those required by the Governments of all obligated subjects such as a minimum of training per year


Chief Compliance Officer

It consists of 100 hours divided as follows: 40 virtual 4 hours a day for 10 days; 40 hours of self-study and 20 face-to-face hours in Miami, US Interamerican delivers all the material and at the end of the 100 hours the candidate for the certification takes an online exam through the virtual platform


Certification in ISO 37301

80 hours divided into 60 virtual hours and 20 face-to-face hours in Miami or in the country of origin to be agreed, US Interamerican delivers materials, then a virtual exam is presented and the certification issued from the US is delivered.


Forensic Expert

80 hours distributed in the same way as the compliance auditor, with the same conditions


Consulting and Conferences

They are requested by contacting us at our email, or contact numbers to provide better information. See online appointment schedule.

Transparency and honesty are values ​​that every company must possess.

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